Welcome to our Parish Website!

St Mary MacKillop Parish Western Border is a vibrant hospitable community, caring for its own and ever ready to reach out to the wider community, especially the needs of those most in need. Our parish is greatly enriched by the gift of its members, bringing their time and talents to some of the many different activities and groups which make up the parish.

The Parish is served by Fr Paddy Mugavin (Eastern Area) and Fr George Kuruvila (Western Area) as Co-Pastors. They are assisted by Fr John McKinnon & Fr Damien Heath.

Fr Paddy Mugavin

Fr Paddy Mugavin commenced as Parish Priest of the former St Marys Parish Hamilton in 2003. Fr Paddy is not far from his families home territory in Warrnambool with the Mugavin name being numerous in the district. In 2018 the former parishes of Hamilton, Edenhope, Coleraine, Casterton and Harrow were merged to form St Mary MacKillop Parish.

Upon the arrival of Fr George Kuruvila in 2020, Fr Paddy and Fr George were appointed Co-Pastors with Fr George pastorally caring for the communites in the West and Fr Paddy caring for those in the East of the Parish.

Fr Paddy is always happy to meet with parishioners and can be contacted at the parish office.

Fr George Kuruvila

Fr George Kuruvila was appointed Co-Pastor of St Mary MacKillop Parish in 2020 with pastoral responsibility of the Apsley, Balmoral, Casterton, Coleraine, Edenhope, Goroke, Harrow and Tarrayoukyan communities.

Fr George was personally invited to ministry in our diocese by Bishop Paul from his home in Kerala, India. Fr George has worked across the world including a length of time in Sweden as well as a number of missionary roles in India.

Fr George lives in the presbytery at Casterton and can be contacted via Ph 5536 2402.

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