Welcoming & The Cuppa Ministry

Welcoming at Mass Ministry

You may like to assist us by being on the roster to welcome people to the weekend Masses.  This just requires you to be a bit earlier to Masses.  You will have the weekly bulletin to hand out to those entering.  It is really important to make eye contact with those attending.  Ideally you may be able to start a conversation with anyone who is willing.  Any new people may be made especially welcome by you.  By having more than one person welcoming at each Mass will allow you to spend more time talking to people.  

If you are willing to help welcome people to Mass please e-mail: hamilton@ballarat.catholic.org.au or phone 5571 1161.

Wedding Feast

The Cuppa Ministry

St Mary’s Parish provides a cuppa after Mass on regular occasions at most of our Masses.  Serving the cuppa is more than just filling cups.  This ministry essentially involves making people feel welcome.  We ask that those running the cuppa get out and talk to people, especially anyone who may be alone.  You may be able to introduce people to each other and build a stronger parish community.  We regard this ministry very highly.

If you would like to help with the Cuppa Ministry then please e-mail: hamilton@ballarat.catholic.org.au or phone 5571 1161.

St Mary’s Book Club

Book ClubThe St Mary’s Book Club has attracted avid readers since first launched in 2004 following a 2003 Parish Review when many social groups were considered.

So now celebrating its tenth year, a group of Book Club women still gather on the first Wednesday of each month with the main objective to review a recently read novel.

While time is normally set aside to discuss each member’s thoughts on the author’s work, we are soon distracted to active discussion on current or past social events and family.

In the last few years we have made ourselves at home at the Blue Malt Restaurant, previously meeting at the Cally and Roxburgh in Hamilton.  The friendly Blue Malt staff continue to welcome us each month to their venue, where we also welcome their servings of Coffee/Wine and Cake.

Books have been supplied by Central Highlands Library Service since 2006, having previously been provided by Monivae College Library, gratefully assisted by Maree Bell.

The novels have varied over the years, with the Library offering both Fiction and Non-Fiction titles to the group.  The annual membership of $20 covers the fee charged by the Library’s Book Club Service.

New members are always welcome, with further enquiries made to Val Lovell on    5571 9008.


Anne Slattery


Men’s Day Out

You are invited to attend our Men’s Day Out each week to share in good times with other men of our community.  You can play snooker, cards or just laugh along.  A great mid-week event.

Held every Wednesday in the Maryknoll family room from 1.00 pm until 4.00 pm.

Inquiries to Gerald Healy 0429 381 595

Leadership, Ministries & Groups

Hamilton Parish

Mission Support Team – Fr Paddy

Meetings each Thursday Fortnight

  • Fr. Patrick Mugavin
  • Kymhan Watson
  • Carolyn Stanhope
  • John Hockey
  • Trish Irving
  • Maria Patience

Finance Committee

  • John Hockey (Parish Manager)
  • Fr. Pat Mugavin (Co-Pastor)
  • Fr George Kuruvila (Co-Pastor)
  • Ian Patience
  • Paul Kuilboer
  • Kevin Myers
  • Bryan Roberts
  • Ursula Murphy
  • Kathy Brody
  • John O’Sullivan
  • Orana Ladies Group
  • Anne Slattery  Ph 5570 8210

Read More


Piety Stall – Hamilton

  • Parish Office  Ph 5571 1161 – Margaret Roberts


Bookings for the McKillop Centre – Hamilton

  • Parish Office Ph 5571 1161

Bereavement team

The Bereavement team sees its role as assisting and supporting a family who has suffered the death of a loved one – from early visits, helping to prepare for the Requiem or Funeral Service, to ongoing personal support.

There are many physical preparations and burdens that loved ones have to deal with. Local Undertakers can provide pamphlets especially prepared to guide families through.

They suggest that death should be discussed openly with family members, so that each can express personal desires. Ageing parents may wish to plan details of their own funeral.

There are also many business and legal matters to attend to. Important as they are, spiritual affairs are of greater significance. In spite of the sadness of loss, we should not see death as an end.

Through the Church, Our Lord offers the Mass and Sacraments, especially Eucharist and Reconciliation, to help us in our preparation for the next life.  When age or sickness indicates the later part of, or risk to our life, the “Sacrament of the Sick” further consolidates our preparation. For this reason it is vitally important to advise the priest when our loved ones face any serious threat to their well being.

Our Bereavement Group welcomes any who would wish to participate in this work. For further information contact the Parish Office – 5571 1161

The following is taken from an article by Fr Paul Boudreau, a Priest from the Norwich Diocese:

When those we care for are faced with the death of a loved one, especially a tragic death, we want so much to comfort and help yet so often find ourselves speechless, wondering what we can say that will help.

That wouldn’t be so bad, but sometimes we try to fill the silence with something, anything that might soften the devastating impact of loss.  We mean well:  we just don’t know what to say.

Forget the religious platitudes – “It must be God’s will”  or  “God must have a reason” when trying to comfort people.  They don’t work!!  Offer instead gestures of affection and words of sorrow.  It’s very appropriate to say “I’m so sorry”.  People even in grief, understand sorrow.  Grieve with them.   If they find it necessary to rage against God – let them.  God understands and can take it.

We do not need words of wisdom to console.  Our presence, our understanding that the grieving process can entail anger, disbelief, numbness and bewilderment as well as misery and our willingness to listen and sympathize can also help and support the bereaved.

Liturgy Team

Bishop's Mass altar-emailThe Liturgy Team prepares liturgical celebrations for special occasions and for regular weekend Masses.

Liturgy Team Members: Fr Pat, Kymhan Watson, Carolyn Stanhope; Noreen McLeish


Orana Ladies Group

The word “orana” is Aboriginal for “welcome”.

The group’s objective is to offer friendship to women of all ages and especially newcomers to the Church and School communities. Through involvement with Orana, women have also given their time and special skills to other programs within the parish.

It’s a well known fact that women don’t need an excuse to gather for a chat – and that’s certainly the case when Orana provides the perfect venue to meet for a meal or wine and coffee.

Since the launch of Orana in 2005, a whole host of topics and outings have been on offer, including movies and live productions. If the evening doesn’t start with a meal, it is guaranteed to finish with supper (or both) followed by great discussion and shared company.

By the way, there are no meeting formalities at all – as planning is done behind the scenes by a very informal committee!! You instantly become a member, whether you have managed to visit once since the group’s launch or a regular. Orana’s aim is to provide the place and a variety of topics – you get to decide if and when you can make it.

So if you’re looking for a welcoming place to meet new friends or rekindle old ones, then a night out “with the girls” is just the remedy! You’ll find details of what’s on at Orana each month in both Church and School Notices – so keep an eye out and join in where you’ll always be most welcomed.

Come and join us.

Anne Slattery

Parish Team Member

Ph: 0418 370 539

St Vincent de Paul Society

The St Mary’s Conference is part of the Glenelg Region which also takes in Casterton, Port Fairy, Koroit and Warrnambool (Four Conferences – St Joseph’s, St Anthony’s, St Pius and Our Lady Help of Christians).

In the region there are also three Centres of Charity where second-hand goods are sold or given away to people in need when the occasion arises. The money from these shops is used to fund the Welfare work done by Conference members.

We welcome new members (male and female) to either join our Conference or work as volunteers in the Cox Street Centre, which is open 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

The Conference members work from the front offices at the Maryknoll building every day except Tuesday from 1.00pm to 3.00pm. We also meet on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 5.00pm in the Maryknoll building.

Anyone interested can contact the Parish Office on 5571 1161 to obtain the following numbers:

Regional President: Irene Donne

Conference President: Bob Roache

Centre Manager: