2012 school photo

St Joseph’s Parish School in Penshurst is a small rural school with a great capacity for assisting students to be empowered to grow strong and independent within a warm, loving environment, prepared to be members of the society of the 21st century.

Seventy-two percent of the students live within the township of Penshurst with the remaining twenty-eight percent living on farms surrounding the township.

Penshurst is a town that has experienced the demise of small rural communities where centralization has become the force behind political decisions. This has meant that the town has lost businesses, banks and its Shire Offices — but not its schools!

St Joseph’s is well-resourced due mainly to the efforts of a highly committed and active team of parents. The parents are an integral part of the school, involving themselves with policy formulation through the School board. They have a strong sense of the school they wish for their children and work diligently to maintain it. The parents are always involving themselves in the education of their children through active involvement within the classroom.

For more information, visit the school website.